A marketing platform for influencers

Introduce your audience to brands you love through affiliate marketing and earn money online


earned by our affiliates last year


affiliates join our network every day


brands on our network across all sectors
A marketing platform for influencers mobile image



Getting started

If you are new to affiliate marketing, sign up to the Awin affiliate network today by clicking here. Once you have been approved onto the network, you will have access our advertisers, which you can browse here. We recommend before applying to join any advertiser programs, you take the time to complete your publisher profile with as much information as possible, including your target audience, the sectors you would like to operate in, any key information available, your contact details and the site or channels you post content. 


Innovative technology

Awin's tracking technology is easy to integrate and ensures tracking of all referrals from your unique publisher ID. With more than 60% of advertisers now using cross-device tracking, publishers are rewarded for transactions made across multiple devices within the cookie period. We also offer a range of tools to aid publishers in with their affiliate campaigns.


Payment on Influence

Awin's customizable payment system enables partnerships on non-traditional affiliate marketing models. With Payment on Influence, publishers are paid a fixed amount based on every sale they have a touchpoint in, regardless of when the last click occured. Connect directly with any advertisers you'd like to work with on working on a Payment on Influence model.


Influencers are a great addition to the affiliate marketing mix.  Whether you're passion is lifestyle, food, travel, family - or are an all around social media expert - you can become an Awin affiliate and earn money by promoting our brands to your followers. Here's how to get started on our global affiliate network:



Connect with the right brands

Search our advertiser directory, and partner with the best matches for your audience.  There's no limit on how many programmes you can join, but those that fit your audience will often perform better.



Promote to your audience

Trackable links or images are easily generated through the Awin interface, and these can be added to your website, blog or social media accounts. They can be incorporated into content pieces, imagery, and in the descriptions and bios of social media accounts. You can also use Convert-a-Link to automatically convert URLs on your page to tracking links.



Visitor follows link

Any visit from your site to the advertiser's site is tracked back to you and your publisher account. Within your account you'll be able to see all of the advertisers you've driven traffic for, as well as sales.



Earn commission from sales

Advertisers pay you commission for approved sales referred from your affiliate links. 


Find the right advertisers

Find the right advertisers

Browse profiles for every advertiser on the network, using the sales regions and industry filters. Here you can find information about each advertiser's average payment time, conversion rate and overview of their program. Get in touch to join and start promoting the brands you love. We work with global and local advertisers across a range of sectors, from retail, to travel, technology and finance.

By clicking on an advertiser profile, you can see the terms of their program, their goals and objectives, and often a summary of their business and brand perception. Within each advertiser profile, you'll also see statistics on average payment time, approval percentage of sales and commission rates paid. Using the navigations on the left, you can apply to join each advertiser program you like. You have the opportunity to write a note to each advertiser, which is a great place to showcase what sets you apart from other content creators. Once approved onto an individual program, you'll have access to the tools needed to promote that advertiser, including deeplink builders, creative, and promotional opportunities.
For more information about getting started on the Awin platform, please click here

Link building

We offer a range of tools to aid publishers in with their affiliate campaigns, including:

Convert-a-Link: This small script (piece of code) allows for instant conversion of all links on your website to affiliate links, ensuring your site is optimized to earn commission as quickly as possible.

MyAwin: This Chrome browser extension gives quick access to deeplinks containing your publisher ID so you can grab affiliate links for your favorite products quickly and easily while on the advertiser's website.

Opportunity Marketplace

Promote available promotional opportunities across your affiliate business by creating a listing. Advertisers can get in contact with you directly through your offer and easily see what's available by sector, opportunity or cost.  You can find more information on these and all of our publisher tools here.

Coupon Attribution

Our coupon attribution feature allows advertisers to partner with you via an exclusive code that you can share across your channels. You are then rewarded for all sales made using this code. If you'd like to partner with an advertiser in this way, get in touch with them directly.